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Got a business idea?

Want to start a business but don’t know how to go about it?

Don’t sweat it, most of us have been there before. The good news is that you’re in luck, for I can help and here’s how.

In the form below, write your business idea. Articulate briefly why do you want to start a business and how did you come up with your idea. Briefly describe your target audience and touch on your competition. In personal/professional overview jot down a little bit about yourself and what drives you.

Once you submit the form, I’ll get in touch with you to brainstorm and further develop your business idea, provided it has legs of course. As I personally work with every entrepreneur who requests my business consultancy services, my response time may vary depending on the number of entrepreneurs who’ve reached out to me before you.


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu